With Pro accounts, you can create a custom license on the website's footer.
I wish that for a special %%year%% variable, which would always display the current year.
Reasoning? Because at the start of every year, it's a pain in the neck going to each and every website with a custom footer and adjusting the year increment by one.
Custom license text:
© 2008—%%year%% James Kanjo. All Rights Reserved.
Would generate this:
© 2008—01 Dec 2024 08:15 James Kanjo. All Rights Reserved.
Additional Note:
Seeing an outdated year on a website's license footer is always, in my opinion, tacky. It may also steer users away because they may recognise that the website is not maintained and therefore not current.
This simple wish would eliminate the need to remember to update your Custom License.
Agreed! Great idea.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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And let's not forget about this wish to support wiki syntax and increase the character limit in the license area. Combined with this wish, we can have a snappy looking, low maintenance license area.
Community Admin
This was a great idea. Glad to see it.