I need to be able to block the IP addresses of spammers. These include users who apply to my site and those who make or edit pages. Also need some way to block a cloaked or irregular IP address.
Story: I had 40 spammers join my site over the last week. Every morning I woke up to remove and band each new member. Now my site is completely closed. I can not accept membership, due to the spammers.
Unfortunately, that didn't help, because now the spammers apply for membership somewhere else, but still come to my site and create pages with backlinks to whatever companies they are promoting.
Here is a short list of the spammers that I can't block:
Wikidot has some tools to remove spammers and has invited a few of the "gurus" to help manage the spammers. I'm part of that team and have just killed those user accounts you listed. If it helps, you're welcome to send me a PM with a list of spammers and I can delete their user accounts for you. Based on the volume of spam I see on the sites I currently watch, it seems the faster we remove the accounts the less likely someone is to create another account to continue spamming.
Maybe we need a place for users to report spammers. The Wikidot team has more important things to do than chase down and remove spammer's accounts, but I think the members of the spam killing team would be happy to help others manage their spammers.
Community Admin
I agree. That's a great idea.
Maybe we can get a link that says [block/spam] next to each change on the recent changes summary. When clicked, the page is delete or the change is reversed automatically. A report can go to the spam blocking team, so that if the user is a constant spammer, they are blocked and band forever. This is how Facebook cleaned up their site a while ago. It could easily be automated.
WikiWealth.com - Stock, Fund, Commodity & Currency Research | SWOT Analysis, WACC
I think Wikidot needs to up their security in general. For the site that it is, or supposed to be, it should have a lot better features.
CEO of Icon Deposit
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Any suggestions to go along with that comment?
I'm not sure what else Wikidot can do. Hundreds of spam sites and users are already deleted both automatically and manually each day - the ones that people see are the ones that get through the net.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I do wish to ask a question: do the spam killing team have access to abuse reports. I always report abuse - but never find out if any action is taken.
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
No we don't have access to those.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
As far as I know, abuse reports are sent to the site administrators and are viewable in site manager.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
So is there a way for users to report spam to the spam killing team? I think there was once a site to report abusive sites - but not users…
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
I wish that when users fill out an abuse report, wikidot would allow site administrators to recieve those reports and deal with the spam ourselves, like have the option to do so, that would also come with a wish for a more easier way to find a users I.P address.
CEO of Icon Deposit
Take a look at me via Twitter, Dribbble, and Google +
As I mentioned above, this already happens, so no need to wish for it :)
In your site manager, look for the menu item labelled "Abuse reports", and you'll find something like this:
You can easily ban the user from accessing your website using that page as well (in addition to the regular ban tool).
I agree that in some cases the IP address of an anonymous user cannot be viewed (e.g. forum comments) and this makes banning them difficult. Definitely something that could be improved.
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~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
My site has just been flooded with add pages created by kolenka as he appears to be doing across many sites. I've banned him but can only delete one page at a time and there are hundreds!!! Plus I have no way to report this to you other than here to stop the user infesting other sites or just creating a new account and doing it again.
I had a look at his page additions which were webspamj, so I deleted his account. Unfortunately we can't revert page creations so they will need to be deleted manually.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
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