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I agree this might be a good idea for some users that do not wish to receive dozens of separate notification emails per day.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
It's especially interesting to users who are logged out, e.g. on vacation. This would be a nice design: switch to digests when logged out.
or simply busy during business hours
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
A user on my website unwatched the site because he was going on a two-week retreat without Internet access, and didn't want a few thousand emails when he returned ;-)
Therefore, this feature would have been a better option for someone like him — so that he only has 14 mails from Wikidot when he returns (plus any 'new private message' emails, etc)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I would say this should be automatic. Wikidot should track time someone was last logged-in and send at maximum 20 (put any number here) "real-time" e-mails and then switch to the "one-mail per day" state. After user logs in to Wikidot again, they get "real-time" e-mails again.
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog
This should be default!
Allow the user to decide if they want more granular notifications (every update, daily, weekly)
broxen - Do you want the mustache on or off?… too bad.