So we have a side bar and all that but i need a footer where i can place links of important sectinos and related articles.
The bounce rate on my site is increasing and i need to put some links there in order so that more people can stay..
I think it can also solve the issue of problem of using includes. Which aint working or does nt cache and update so fast.
So the way we have nav:top and nav:side i need a nov:bottom too..
i think footer is important part of any website. And because the include function was not working properly and it not a quick way of changing the bottom section of the articles a footer that runs through out the website would be much appreciated.
You already have a footer. It's the part at the bottom of the page that says "Powered by" and links to the Help, Terms of Service, Privacy policy, etc.
It has a CSS id attribute named "footer" if you wish to change the appearance.
And to modify the text contained in the footer;
Just remember to read the text on that page beforehand. You need to either link directly to the Wikidot Terms of Service, or link to a page in your site which tells your visitors how to find the Wikidot Terms of Service.
Note: Custom footer is only available to Pro+ accounts — the Pro Lite and regular Pro options do not include the custom footer.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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I don't want to change the options on that footer.. there, that's more like a site strip at the bottom.
I want something like a box just below the content of the page.
I have tried using include but managing it takes a lot of time. Moreover, from my experience changes made on included pages do not show.. any latest info about that?
any ideas?
. Can't there be some sort of box that i can include on the bottom of all pages where i can put all sort of links.. it will just sort of help in engaging the users on the site. It would be really helpful if i have to edit that box at one place and have it all through out the site.
Again i do not want to change the footer which says Powered by Wikidot etc. It is completely fine to have it there. Moreover i want something just below the content box.
Yes this can be done and one way is with live templates and CSS as follows:
1. In the live template page of your category (i.e category:_template) add a css module to create a nav-bottom box at the bottom of each page and three columns for your links:
2. Then add the %%content%% for the content of the pages in your category.
3. Then add divs with the links you want to appear at the bottom of each page in this category:
The full code for your template page is shown below:
You can see the working version of the result at and with the template at Any pages created in the footer category (which you can try as I have relaxed the permissions on that category) will have the box at the bottom of the page with the links. When you want to change the links, you only need to change them in the live template page and all pages in the category will be updated instantly.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
thank you so much.. this solution sounds pretty neat!
thanks a tonnes! I will try this today and post the results..
A couple of questions here…
Can i add wikidot code on these as well? For example if i want to add a contact form or if want to activate comment module would that work on all pages?
i am kind of new to live templates but i got the idea.. i will try to read some basics in the help section and figure it out..
is it possible to add new wikidot modules using this? for example "comment" on all pages of a particular category and so on??
It's all wikidot code, so the answer is yes you can add for example a contact form or a comment module to a live template so they are avaialble for that category.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
If you have further specific questions about any of this or something isn't working and you need help, it would be best to post on the community forum.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.