[[module listpages page="somepage"]]
This would allow people to create different "looks" for one page. Good for cross media. Also usefull for combining related pages for example review:book1 and cover:book1
I wish for a page selector by %%name%%
[[module listpages page="somepage"]]
This would allow people to create different "looks" for one page. Good for cross media. Also usefull for combining related pages for example review:book1 and cover:book1
Not sure what you mean by this - could you explain further?
If you want different people to see a different thing on each page, this could be useful to you as well: I wish that there was a 'page' attribute for iftags!.
So you want to do this?
Display a page with the same name, but from a separate category.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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Well if you are in the good habbit of creating _templates already, wich allows you to easely manage your site if it becomes bigger (I am writing this for people who are not in that habbit and who need to investigate on _templates). You can now go a step further. You can create _templates with a form definition, wich allows contributors to add content in a more user friendly way (check out DATAFORMS).
Now if you would make a _template for lets say a newletter. You could imagen that the following fields exist: Title, summary, full text, author. There are two ways to manipulate the layout that is stored in this page (lets call it newsletter:1, based on newsletter:_template)
However when using a ListPages module, you can not easely select just one page… you need to tag all your pages with a unique tag if you want for example to select your page using the tags-selector. Wich is APITA (A Pain In The A**)
So the information of your newsletter is stored in newsletter:1 but you could make a second "_template" in a different page (if you could select only one page(wich is my wish)), and make a different layout for this "_template". For example pda-newsletter:1. Since the name of this page is well choosen (the same as the original (1), you could get the content of newsletter:1 by selecting this page in your ListPages module page="newsletter:%%name%%" and create a layout without for example the full text of the article, but only the summary… or no pictures or…
I hope this makes my wish clearer Leiger
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
This would also be a way of using data forms.
Although I would prefer an extension to [[include]] for that.
Indeed… and use wikidot-pages (created with dataforms) as records of a database where the category is the name of the table… so retrieving the "1ste" record of table "newsletter" can be done on anypage by the syntax
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
Yes in this case "listpages" is not so fortunate… but… wikidot may call it whatever as long as this can be possible
[[include...]] would be a good (better) option.
But the ListPages module is closer in development stage… this only needs a new selector.
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
I suggested a couple of alternatives for [[include]] here: http://community.wikidot.com/forum/t-241359/improving-the-usability-of-data-forms
Another possibility would be:
If the variable definition does not contain "=", then try to read a page with the same name and assign variable names from that.
Nice alternative, however in the "keep it simple"-philosphy I would give all variables a name, a logical operator and a value : "page=pagename". And simple means in this context easy to figure out how it works and easy to reproduce without extensive knowledge, not having to type less :-)
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
We could have a parameter "With=<database-page>" for include, and that is my second alternative on the post I linked to earlier. But that would be the first parameter that [[include]] would take; it does not have any at the moment, and I think its parsing must be different to a [[module]] block which does take such parameters. My suggestion above is in line with the existing parsing of [[include]] and should therefore be possible at least as easily as the ListPages extension.
What about range="pagename"?
I am working with a genealogy Wiki - and I miss the line thru the database by using a Listpage with page="%%name%%" ( or range="%%name%%") to get a very specifically pre-determined page… using a dataform field of course as the "name variable".
Than I have reached the level 2 in a queue .. could be the parents or children of a person… ( parents are easy - they have the parent tag used…)
Thanks james - the idea of using the existing "range=" parameter/attribute is fascinating !
Together with my other wish for a most-left-characters selection of categories , tags, parents ( or range/pages now here) :
http://feedback.wikidot.com/wish:621 ( ListPages select a group of tags, categories)
it would build a powerfull tool!
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I already have a situation where I need the ability to list all pages with the same name across all categories.
Jay Bienvenu | Hilinqwo: A constructed language
Bump this wish…
There is a song by U2…. How long… to sing this song… how long, how long, how long, how long,…
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
Sorry for the same (new) wish with "fullname" :
http://feedback.wikidot.com/wish:766 (ListPages select ONE page by ONE "fullname")
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This wish would be great for MULTILINGUAL sites such as "Handbook", where you can list all pages that have been translated into other categories:
Which in turn would display something like this:
Interestingly, I made the same suggestion back in 2008 See here!
Two years now and not even a comment by wikidot… Apperently this is a wish independently formulated on three occasions. I wonder…
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
The same as my wish http://feedback.wikidot.com/wish:766 ListPages select ONE page by ONE "fullname" - which would free us from the tagging of a page with it's own pagename!
PLease - rate this up!
We need it so often and would not have the neccessity to tag all pages with their own name!
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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