Rating Title Creator Tags Status
10 Ability to create your own syntax Matt Gentile syntax
10 Syntax Highlighting maki code highlighting syntax
9 Increased character limit for custom license text and support for wiki syntax (user deleted) license syntax
8 Syntax highlighter integrated in wikidot Monomachus highlighting syntax
8 Case insensitive ModuleNames gerdami syntax _done
7 Adding Markdown syntax Hayertjez syntax _rejected
7 pop-up editor help for syntax and modules pieterh editor popups syntax
6 Better syntax to create a 'blockquote' leiger blockquote syntax
5 New module: CountTags bcammo buttons count syntax tags
5 Wiki formatting inside the CountPages module pieterh count syntax _done
4 Font Awesome 4.x syntax jbnv fontawesome icon icons markup syntax
3 Support for <pre> ... </pre> outside of a code block (user deleted) code css syntax
3 Chatroom - open in new window leiger chat links syntax
3 Animated scrolling for anchors bcammo syntax
3 A way to provide different wording for number-related values leiger syntax
2 date to accept alternate format Ashe syntax
2 An easy way to make columns of text leiger css syntax _rejected
1 Multilevel Top Menus Venryx navigation syntax
1 Restrict syntax elements Arotaritei Vlad syntax _rejected
1 line break in bibliography _alf_ syntax
1 Page Hints mvishnu syntax _rejected
-2 ability to insert multiple newlines in text, like <br> Stuart Billington syntax _rejected

All tags used on wish pages:

(click on one to show results above)

account activity addthis admin admin-tool admin_tool ads adsense advertising anonymous api appendline archive attachments attributes author autocomplete auto-login autonumbering autosave auto-suggest backlinks backup ban bibliography blockquote browser buttons calculations cascading categories category changes chat chess chessdiagram child clone code combobox comments community conditional contact-groups contacts container content convert count created-at csi css csv custom custom-domain dashboard data-form dataform data-forms date delegate delete development display div documentation draft drafts easy-implementation edit editor educational email error excel export facebook features feedback feedback-site files flickr folder fontawesome footer footnotes formatting forum ftw fullname gallery google group-permissions groups help hidden-page-discussions hide highlighting history hotlinking html html5 icon icons id if iframes images import include includes invitations ip javascript join jquery jump karma keyboard language latex license lightbox line links listbox listdrafts listpages lists listusers llistpages login mailform mailing markup member-groups members messages metadata metatags mime mobile module monetizing music navigation nesting newline newpage newsletter non-existent notification number numbering openid order orphaned other page pagepath pages pages.select pagetree pagination paragraph parent password paypal pbuttons pdf permissions perpage plans pm popups post prependline preview print private profile publish quickie random range rating redirect regex remove right-to-left robots rss save schedule screenshots scroll search sections select selector seo shell site sitemanager sitemap sitemaps site-name sites snippets social sort spam speed statistics sticky stylesheet suggestion summaryfield support syntax tables tabs tagcloud tags template templates thread thumbnails title toggle tool tooltips twitter ui updated_at usability user users variables visibility walkthrough wanted wantedpages watch wiki-field wiki-syntax wishes word wysiwyg