The home page of my site has two feeds, one internal from the blog and another from my other Wikidot site.
This morning they are broken. Instead of a paragraph of text we have this:
pby span class=printuser avatarhovera href= !--[if gte IE 7]!--img class=small src=;#45;images/avatars/418/418097/a16.png alt=abarrelfull style=background-image:url( /!--![endif]--!--[if lt IE 7]img class=small src=;#45;images/avatars/418/418097/a16.png alt=abarrelfull style=filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=,sizingMethod='scale')/![endif]--/aa href= abarrelfull/a/span/p
I have not changed anything relating to the feeds so I am at a loss.
Sorry I am using Google Chrome, in IE there are just blanks.
I can confirm that something strange is happening with the feeds. They show the loader animation, then suddenly fill the screen with text.
Browser: Google Chrome 12 (beta)
OS: Windows 7 Professional
Perhaps try recompiling the page. Edit it, change something (e.g. put an extra space between two words), then re-save.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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Thanks, we are looking at this right now.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
After debugging we narrowed a problem to a recent software upgrade which caused this bug to manifest:
We are working on a solution.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
The issue should be fixed now.
It was related to update of libxml2 library, which seems to cause a problem with certain PHP versions. We downgraded the libxml as a temporary solution and are planning to upgrade both the PHP and libxml2 as there's no reason to rely on old versions of software.
Please confirm the fix works for you. Thank you for reporting the issue.
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog