I have problem while making a page in a wiki, this happened to me on utau.wiki
After I finished typing details on the page I wanted to make on the wiki and hit save, after like 3-5 minutes this error occured:
My internet connection is totally fine, I've checked it twice and no errors, every person in my house says that they have internet connection on their phones and laptops. I've tried making the site again. But it didn't help. I'm searching for an answer to solve this error.
UTAU.wiki was under spammer attack yesterday and in former weeks…. the spam fighting filter is removing and deleting lots of pages…
Could be this is the reason why the answer times are longer than usual.
If you get such error - than make a new page first and than later changes..
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I'm sorry but it still doesn't work. After I've made the page and wanted to edit it later, the same problem occurs.
By the way I just noticed this error only occures when I'm adding a photo to Icon. When I edit something else, it works perfectly and saves.
could be the free wiki is at the limit of the storage space?
You should ask ( in a privae message?) the master admin http://www.wikidot.com/user:info/mystsaphyr
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